Apply to University

Select the country you are interested in *

Personal details

Nationality and residence

Contact Information

Mailing Address

Home (permanent) Address (if different)

Please write very clearly, we will use email to communicate with you during the application process

Programme of Study

Current Educational Details

I have completed my education – go to next section

Past Educational Details (most recent first)

Additional Qualifications

Other Qualifications

Test Scores

Add More

Scholarships, prizes and other distinctions obtained (list only the most important)

Employment History

Names and addresses of your academic referees

First academic referee

Second academic referee

Third academic referee

Summary details of research proposal or reason for applying for the course

Additional information in support of your application

Career goals and future aspirations

Financial Details (skip this section if you are not sure about your funding)

Annual amount in US Dollars required for your proposed course

Applicants are reminded that this fee will increase annually, at least in line with inflation.

Funds you are confident of raising annually to finance your course

Please give as much detail as possible of the funds you are able to raise annually. If you need to convert your currency into US Dollars, you should use a currency conversion site such as or


Scholarships and grants


Dollars per year


Personal funds


Dollars per Year


Other funds


Dollars per year

Please give details of any scholarships which you have applied for (or plan to apply for)


Declaration (mandatory)

I declare that all information provided in this application and in documents submitted is true and correct. I am aware that I may be required to send attested hardcopies of the documents attached.

Maximum file-size- 5mb
File formats accepted:doc, docx, pdf, jpg

Maximum file-size- 5mb
File formats accepted:doc, docx, pdf, jpg

Maximum file-size- 5mb
File formats accepted:doc, docx, pdf, jpg

Maximum file-size- 5mb
File formats accepted:doc, docx, pdf, jpg